The Rev. Dr. David P. Balla
St. Philip Lutheran School in Chicago: 1979
Luther High School North in Chicago: 1983
Concordia College located in River Forest, IL: BA 1987 Major: Psychology Minor: Computer Science (Now Concordia University Chicago)
Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO: M.Div 1992
American Bible College and Seminary D.Min in Christian Counseling 2001
Clinical Pastoral Education:
1 Basic Unit at St. Luke’s Medical Center: 1993-1994
3 Units Residency Program at Alexian Brothers Medical Center: 1995-1996
Parish Work:
2017-Current Pastor Peace Lutheran Church Plainfield, IL
1996-2016 Pastor Trinity Lutheran Church 331 George St West Chicago, IL 60185-3118
1992-1995 Assistant Pastor Hope Lutheran Church 218 W 18th St South Sioux City, NE 68776-2713
Higher Things Breakaway Speaker:
2012 TWELVE: Winston-Salem, NC Breakaway “Cutting: Healing the One Who Injures Themselves”
2011 Coram Deo: Bloomington, IL Breakaway “Addictions: Being Consumed By..”
2009 Sola: Grand Rapids, MI In-Depth “Depression: Surviving the Pot-Holes of Life.”
2009 Sola: Grand Rapids, MI Breakaway “Identity Loss: Not losing your identity in Relationships and Life.”
2008 Amen: Scranton, PA “Cutting: Healing Those Who Injure Themselves”
2007 For You: Ashville, NC “Body Image”
The Rev. Dr. David P. Balla raised in Chicago, Illinois. He has been married to Elizabeth (nee Pavlik) since 1986. The Balla’s two children Sarah and Rebekah and two grandchildren Briella and Asher